After going through this historic and (hopefully) unique period of confinement (semi-confinement, in Switzerland), some of us (definitely the lucky ones!) have had the forced opportunity to take a break in our hectic lives. More than ever, we were able to realize what the real value of time means and how each of us is actually in control of our own time. Whether it is time to help others, time to be with our families, time to do sports, time to shop locally, time to move in a more sustainable way (we’ve all heard the extra boost e-bikes sales have had in the past months), time to cook, time to read, time to love… Too many people have been ill and too many have passed away, and one can only be sad and sorry for the mourning families. Yet, this covid19 pandemic has also opened our eyes on our way of life, especially in the so-called western world. I therefore decided to make a list, because I am afraid to forget too quickly about the positive consequences this extraordinary situation has brought me. So, even though I am overall happy that the situation can somewhat go back to “normal” (with the necessary measures), I want to remember my list and try and keep some of the acquired new habits:
- Live at a slower pace: running is good as a sport, but not necessarily as a way of life
- Focus on what really matters in order to keep the right balance, which, for me is: spend time with my family & friends, play tennis and exercise to be in shape for it, work with passion and enthusiasm in an environment that suits me
- “Being” rather than “having”…
- Shop as locally as possible, starting with food (vegetables, meat, fish)
- Consume less or at least, differently (let’s face it, I am what you could consider a “shopaholic” and I intend to reduce my spent in fast moving fashion goods…)
- Move differently: ride a bike or walk instead of driving a car (at least when the weather allows it)
Of course, as a marketeer, some items in my list might seem a bit schizophrenic. Well, after a long thought process, no, I do not think it is. And I have decided to do my part whenever I advise my clients by always offering sustainable solutions as well as providing guidance towards a direction, which I hope, many of us will take, the direction of a balanced future for our children.
Feel free to leave a comment or drop us a note to share your list or your thoughts! contact@localhost
Stay safe!
Véronique Fiorin